The History of Akha people Akha the people group who exists the way of life, belief, rituals or traditionsfor more than 2,700 years. The history of Akha has not written in Letters but the performance through rituals, traditions, tell – a tale, songs And chanting in the rituals etc. We are able to divide the Akha History to 5 big periods which are; The 1 st period the Byumq-eu / the period of history had begun with the origin of living –non living things such as lands, rivers, stone, animal ,plant, air, spirit, substances, rule & regulation,law etc. The Akha named the period that “ Zahl”.the history of the period has been in the ancestor named “ Umq shil shildi-Umq Mavq Umq Ghahl-Su mil-o” The 2 nd period of human lives with ghost “ Nehvq Tsawl Tiq gal Jawl-eu” The per...